
The purpose of this paper is twofold: to introduce the reader to the subject of instabilities exhibited by relativistic particle beams, and to summarize the present state of our knowledge concerning these phenomena. Most of the material in the first part of the paper is not new. It has been known to some specialists for a good many years; what is new is that the problems that can be solved are now of much more interest to the general community of accelerator physicists. Consequently, many accelerator physicists who have not paid much attention to these matters may now want to become informed; it is my hope that this paper will provide an introduction to the field. The second part of the article consists of two sections. The first summarizes the experimental information presently available, with emphasis upon the degree to which it confirms or disagrees with theory. Our current level of understanding is delineated: considering the generality and reliability of the theoretical analysis as well as the degree of experimental confirmation, the author expresses his opinion as to what can be considered relatively well established. The final section contains a discussion of subjects needing further investigation and, consequently, supplements the discussion of areas of understanding by describing the peripheral areas of uncertainty

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