Germanium-Based Detectors for Gamma-Ray Imaging andSpectroscopy


Germanium-based detectors are the standard technology usedfor gamma-ray spectroscopy when high efficiency and excellent energyresolution are desired. By dividing the electrical contacts on thesedetectors into segments, the locations of the gamma-ray interactionevents within the detectors can be determined as well as the depositedenergies. This enables simultaneous gamma-ray imaging and spectroscopyand leads to applications in the areas of astronomy, nuclear physics,environmental remediation, nuclear nonproliferation, and homelandsecurity. Producing the fine-pitched electrode segmentation oftenrequired for imaging has been problematic in the past. To address thisissue, we have developed an amorphous-semiconductor contact technology.Using this technology, fully passivated detectors with closely spacedcontacts can be produced using a simple fabrication process. The currentstate of the amorphous-semiconductor contact technology and thechallenges that remain will be given in this paper

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