Beam-Based Sextupole Polarity Verification in the RHIC


This article presents a beam-based method to check RHIC arc sextupole polarities using local horizontal orbit three-bumps at injection energy. We use 11 bumps in each arc, each covering two SFs (focusing sextupoles) and one SD (defocusing sextupole). If there are no wrong sextupole polarities, the tune shifts from bump to bump and the tune shift patterns from arc to arc should be similar. Wrong sextupole polarities can be easily identified from mismatched signs or amplitudes of tune shifts from bump to bump and/or from arc to arc. Tune shifts in both planes during this study were tracked with a high-resolution base-band tunemeter (BBQ) system. This method was successfully used to the sextupole polarity check in RHIC Blue and Yellow rings in the RHIC 2006 and 2007 runs

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