Environmental Protection Agency: FY2006 Appropriations and Highlights


Title II of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY2006 (P.L. 109-54, H.R. 2361) provides 7.73billionfortheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA),subjecttoanacrosstheboardrescissionof0.4767.73 billion for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), subject to an across-the-board rescission of 0.476%. Section 439 of Title IV indicates that the rescission is to be applied proportionately among each account, program, project, and activity specified in the law, accompanying reports, and the President’s budget request. The total FY2006 EPA appropriation includes an additional 80 million in unobligated funds “rescinded” from past appropriations, as noted in the following table. P.L. 109-54 provides more funding for EPA than the Administration’s FY2006 request of 7.52billion,butlessthantheFY2005appropriationof7.52 billion, but less than the FY2005 appropriation of 8.03 billion

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