The Former Soviet Union and U.S. Foreign Assistance


Report covering U.S. support for the transition to democracy and free market economics in the states of the former Soviet Union (FSU), the United States, since December 1991, has offered roughly 8.2billioningrantsforeconomicandtechnicalassistancetotheregion.MostofthegrantassistancehasbeenprovidedthroughtheAgencyforInternationalDevelopment(USAID).Inaddition,8.2 billion in grants for economic and technical assistance to the region. Most of the grant assistance has been provided through the Agency for International Development (USAID). In addition, 4.8 billion has been provided in food aid through the Department of Agriculture, and 2.9billionbytheDepartmentofDefensefornonproliferationpurposes.TheUnitedStateshasalsosubsidizedguaranteesformorethan2.9 billion by the Department of Defense for nonproliferation purposes. The United States has also subsidized guarantees for more than 12 billion in credits from the Export-Import Bank, Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and the Department of Agriculture

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