
Borealscat: A tower experiment for understanding temporal changes in P- and L-band backscattering from a Boreal forest


This paper describes the tower-based radar BorealScat, which is being developed for polarimetric, tomographic and Doppler measurements at the hemi-boreal forest test site in Remningstorp, Sweden. The facility consists of a 50-m high tower equipped with an antenna array at the top of the tower, a 20-port vector network analyser (VNA), 20 low-loss cables for interconnection, and a calibration loop with a switching network. The first version of BorealScat will perform the full set of measurements in the frequency range 0.4-1.4 GHz, i.e. P-band and L-band. The tower is currently under construction at a forest stand dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). The mature stand has an above-ground dry biomass of 300 tons/ha. Data collections are planned to commence in autumn 2016

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