Self-compatibility (SC) is an interesting horticultural trait. Molecular approaches
have been recently applied to the elucidation of the interacting pollen-pistil mechanism
and to the identification of the genes involved in pistil-pollen recognition. Both
mutations of the pistil S-RNases and the pollen SFBs have been reported to explain the
changes in the S allele expression. Stylar-part mutations have revealed that ribonuclease
activity of the S-RNases is required to inhibit pollen growth. A defective function of the
pollen may also give rise to SC. Breakdown of SI has also been associated with
mutations affecting modifier loci unlinked to the S-locus. Additionally, a double
phenotypic expression of the same genotype has been observed. The nature of these
different mutations has only been identified in a few cases, including deletions,
insertions, shift mutations and, more recently, epigenetic changes.EUCARPIA. European Association for Research on Plant Breedin