Webbpresentation av Fysikaliska Leksaker
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Fysikaliska leksaker is an institution with more than 300 experiments
demonstrating physics. Its function is to teach physics in a playful
manner. The report shows how Fysikaliska leksakers new web page
was created, from the gathering of facts and photos to the design of
the page and its future updates. The theory on which the web page is
based on can also be found in the report. The new and the old web
page are compared in the section containing the results of the report
and future improvements are mentioned. Furthermore, a theory on
how the web page would differ from its current appearance, given that
the experiments were 10 instead of 300, is presented. How Fysikaliska
leksakers methods and way of thinking could be applied to university’s
of technology is brought forward, this is based on the theory of ”how
you learn” and ”how you teach”