(40(2):133-144)A study on the Tractor-mounted Peanut Harvester


為促使落花生收穫作業機械化,農試所著手開發一種曳引機承載單畦牽引式落花生收穫機。此種收穫機之特殊設計為莖蔓切割機構和振動犁。此機之作業方式為利用切蔓刀自主根切除花生莖蔓,以振動犁挖掘花生莢,再利用輸送鏈條清潔雜物。此機型設計時特點為結構簡單,成本低廉,容易操作,經局部調整可適用其他淺根類作物之收穫工作。A single-row, tractor-mounted peanut harvester capable of harvesting peanuts was developed by researchers at the Taiwan Agricultual Research Institute. The vine-cutting mechanism and vibrating plow were the specific designs of this equipment. This machine cutted the vines from the taproot digged it from the ground by vibrating plow, and then seperated and cleaned soil debris from the plants using conveying grid-chains. The simplicity, low cost and easy operation were the characteristics of this machinery. This equipment can serve as the universal harvester for shallow root crop harvesting with minimum modification

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