由前人研究知檬果花性比(sex ratio)因品種與溫度等條件變化而有所不同。近年來本省各地有些檬果植株有「白花穗」的不正常現象,由於白花穗的兩性花較少,加上其他未知原因,造成結果不良。本研究以掃描式電子顯微鏡配合解剖顯微鏡,由外部形態觀察檬果小花的發育過程,發現所有小花均為兩性花,但因發育中子房停止發育,才變成雄花。進一步生理原因的調查正在進行中。
The ontageny and development sequence of the flower bud on mango panicle is observed by scanning electron microscope and dissecting microscope. The results indicate that all the flower buds are originally designed to develope into hermaphrodite. With the degeneration of the gynoecium, the male flowers occurred for some unknown reason