Sanctions for Conflict Prevention and Peace Building : Lessons Learned from Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia


This report summarizes experiences gained from two ongoing cases of UN targeted sanctions: the case of Liberia, where sanctions in different forms have been in place since 1992; and the more recent situation of Côte d’Ivoire/Ivory Coast, where the first sanctions decisions came in 2004. In Liberia, the sanctions have now come to play a role in building up a new society after many years of war. They aim at contributing to peace building for the future. In Ivory Coast, the goal is to prevent an immediate return to war and to favour a settlement through democratic means. �hese uses of sanctions are highly complex and important to understand. Based on reports, analyses and on interviews conducted in May-June 2006, this publication offers conclusions for these cases and for UN policy on targeted sanctions in general. It includes around thirty recommendations. Events have been updated until August 1, 2006

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