
Development and validation of the Japanese version of the secondary traumatic stress for nursing staff


This study’s aim was to develop a scale to measure secondary traumatic stress for nursing staff,and to examine its reliability and validity. A mailed questionnaire survey was carried out twice. Survey 1 was distributed to five hundred fifty six nurses from three polyclinic hospitals in the “A” prefecture, with a valid response rate of 60.8%. Survey 2 included 996 nursing staff from 21 general hospitals nationwide, with a valid response rate of 72.2%.  Following analysis of the survey data, a 20-item scale was developed, with three factors, “anxiety and reduced intentionality,” “post-traumatic stress reactions,” and “negative emotional reactions.” The internal consistency and reliability of the scale was analyzed using exploratory factor, reliability, cross-correlation, and item score-total score correlation. Concurrent validity of the scale was examined by correlation analysis with the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) and Japanese version of the Burnout Scale; construct validity was also verified by examining differences in the scale scores by the group, which was selected based on the level of sympathy for patients and duration of care provided. Final confirmatory factor analysis indicated fit indices of CFI = .914 and RMSEA = .092, which met a degree of criteria as the scale. Thus, the Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale for nursing staff exhibited a degree of reliability and validity.看護職者の二次的外傷性ストレスの測定尺度を作成し、その信頼性・妥当性の検討することを目的に、託送調査法による2度の質問紙調査を実施した。調査1は尺度の作成のために、A県内3ヶ所の総合病院に勤務する看護職者556名を対象とし、内的整合性および信頼性、並存的妥当性の検討を経て、「不安・志向性の低下」「外傷後のストレス反応」「否定的な感情反応」の3因子・20項目から成る尺度が作成された。調査2は、作成尺度がより広い地域・対象で使用に耐え得るか検討するために、全国21ヶ所の一般病院に勤務する看護職者996名を対象とした。因子間での質問項目の移動は1項目あったが、因子の変化や削除すべき項目はなく、内的整合性および信頼性、並存的妥当性、構成概念妥当性が確認された。確証的因子分析による適合度指標は、CFI=.914,RMSEA=.092であった。以上により、一定の信頼性・妥当性を確保した二次的外傷性ストレス尺度が作成された

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