
The Investigation and the Future Theme of Delivery Practice in the Cource of Midwife : Founded on the examination into the actual condition of delivery practice at the educational institute of midwife cource in Japan


1997年4月から保健婦助産婦看護婦法の指定規則の「分娩介助例数10回以上」が, 「10回程度」と改正された。助産婦教育における望ましい分娩実習のあり方について, 大学, 短大, 専門学校の教育機関に分類し, 実習の現状を把握し検討した。その結果, ほとんどの教育機関は, 分娩介助目標数を10例とし, 望ましいものと位置付け, 異常分娩もふくんでいる。分娩介助1例は, 第1期ケアから第4期ケアまでとすること, 介助目標数達成により期待される能力は, 分娩介助技術, 助産診断, 助産過程とすることは各教育機関とも一致している。実習は, 複数施設で夜間実習, 期間の延長実習が行われ, 教員, 学生とも負担を感じている。量から質の重視, 卒後教育への連携と期待が高まっている。これらの現状から, 看護教育の大学化, 少子という潮流のなかで, 各教育機関における助産婦教育の目的, 目標を明確にし, 実習の再考の必要性が示唆された。Since April 1997,the designated rule of the law of health nurse, midwife and nurse has revised from [more than 10 Cases of delivery practice] to [about 10 cases of delivery practice]. We investigated the existing practices classified by each educational institutions (university, college and business college) and considered what ideal delivery practice should be. Almost all the educational institutions regarded that the number of delivery practices should be achieved is 10 and they recognized desirable (Included abnormal deliveries). One of the delivery practices is to be continuous care from the first term to the forth, and the expected abilities through the achievement of the practices are delivery technique, prognosis and process of deliver are accorded among educational institutions. At present, practices are executed at several facilities. Besides, when night practice and extension of the term of practice are obliged, both instructors and students feel trouble. In the future, the practice will be weighted on quality rather than quantity. Moreover, practices are expected to be in connection with the education after graduation. This study indicates that there is a necessity to reconsider what the delivery practice should be under the situation which birth rate decreases and the place of nurse education changes. For the purpose of doing this, we must make obvious the aim and the purpose of the delivery education at the each educational institutes

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