The Educational Effect of Jigsaw Method for Pediatric Nursing Skill


application/pdfWe incorporate the jigsaw method which is one of the cooperative learnings after partial study into instructive means of pediatric nursing skill. And we investigate the effect of education to confirm the condition of the acquirement and the attainment of the purpose of cooperative learning referring to the self estimation of 73students (2nd grade nursing course of A university). The rate of the answer that they could not learn the skills by jigsaw method is low, 14% taking medicine ,6% enema, 3% suction, 10% hypodermic injection. 90% of the students answered that they could learn the techniques by partial study, and 71% of them could learn from other members. So, we think the jigsaw method is adequate as the way to acquire the techniques. Jigsaw method is one of teaching-learning ways to learn the process composing safety and comfortable techniques by the cooperation between students and teachers using useful informations, and students answered that they could exchange their opinions between students(95%), between teachers and students(75%), however it needs more time than the former that is taken initiative by teachers、and the efficiency is not so good.小児看護技術の教育方法に、分担学習後に教え合う協同学習の1つであるジグソー学習法を組み入れた。その結果をA大学看護学科2年次生73人(92%)の自己評価から、技術の習得状況と協同学習の目的達成度を明らかにし、教育効果を検討した。ジグソー学習法で「習得できなかった技術」と回答した割合は、内服14%、注腸6 %、吸引3 %、皮下注射10%と少ない。分担学習で担当した技術は90%の学生が「習得できたと思う・ややそう思う」と回答し、同様にメンバーの担当した3 項目も71%と多いことから、技術の習得方法として適している。ジグソー学習法は従来の教員主導型より授業時間数を要し、効率は悪いが、「意見交換できたと思う・ややそう思う」が学生間で95%、教員と学生間で75%と多く、有用な情報を相互に利用し、学生間と教員の協力により安全で安楽な技術を構築するプロセスを学ぶ教授-学習方法の1つである。departmental bulletin pape

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