
Remembering Folktales As Oral Traditions : A Qualitative Single Case Study of A Goze


本研究は口頭伝承としての昔話想起を検討するにあたり,最後の瞽女に対し,質的事例研究として13回の単独面接を重ねた。その結果,34の貴重な昔話が得られた。その内訳は,動物昔話3,本格昔話26,そして笑話5と,本格昔話が中心であった。昔話想起の特徴は以下の通りであった。(1)想起は驚くほどしっかりしていた。(2)内容は,植物や人間以外の動物が人間と等価の生命を持つ存在として,登場人物に生き生きと語りかけるアニミズムの世界が頻繁に表れていた。(3)声による感情表現は豊かであった。(4)擬態語は無秩序だが生き生きとしていた。(5)身振りはほとんど認められなかった。更に,最後の瞽女の時代には,瞽女は外部に向けての昔話の伝承機能を既にほとんど失っていたが,内向きには細々としかし確実に伝承を続けていた事実も明らかにされた。The article addressed to remember folktales as oral traditions. Very fortunately the latest female minstrel with blind eyes (goze) who could do appeared unexpectedly. A qualitative single case study was adopted in order to divulge the phenomena. Being interviewed exclusively 13 times, she remembered very precious 34 folktales. (Animal Tales 3,Ordinary Folktales 26,and Jokes & Anecdotes 5) The characteristics of them were typically as follows : (1) Almost every folktale was told without faltering. (2) The content of them sometime conveyed the world of animism. (3) Each tone of her voices on the casts communicated the corresponding emotions in her folktale. (4) Ideophone, which was unorganized, but effusive and so lived, often appeared. (5) Gesture was hardly made. Simultaneously, as having reached the period of the latest minstrels, this study strongly indicated that their function of the transmission to the other persons have mostly disappeared. Nevertheless, it survived to the same minstrels scanty but surely

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