Modelling collective movement and transport network formation in living systems


The emergence of collective patterns from repeated local interactions between individuals is a common feature to most living systems, spanning a variety of scales from cells to animals and humans. Subjects of this thesis are two aspects of emergent complexity in living systems: collective movement and transport network formation. For collective movement, this thesis studies the role of movement-mediated information transfer in fish decision-making. The second project on collective movement takes inspiration from granular media and soft mode analysis and develops a new approach to describe the emergence of collective phenomena from physical interactions in extremely dense crowds. As regards transport networks, this thesis proposes a model of network growth to extract simple, biologically plausible rules that reproduce topological properties of empirical ant trail networks.  In the second project on transport networks, this thesis starts from the simple rule of “connecting each new node to the closest one”, that describes ants building behavior, to study how balancing local building costs and global maintenance costs influences the growth and topological properties of transport networks. These projects are addressed through a modeling approach and with the aim of identifying minimal sets of basic mechanisms that are most likely responsible of large-scale complex patterns. Mathematical models are always based on empirical observations and are, when possible, compared to experimental data

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