
Aves de la fauna local de Paso de Otero (Pleistoceno tardío), de la provincia de Buenos Aires


Birds from the Paso de Otero Local Fauna (Late Pleistocene), Buenos Aires Province. Bird remains that occur in the Paso de Otero Local Fauna was described. The vertebrates compounding that Local Fauna are mainly mammals. They partially integrated the extinct pampean megafauna that characterized the Lujanian Age, Late Pleiltocene. These remains have been exhumed from sediments of the Guerrero Member of Luján Formation, that occur in the Quequén Grande river, left riverside, Paso de Otero, Necochea County . The bird remains are scanty and are attributed to four species. Nevertheless they confirm the paleoclimatological hypothesis posed by Fidalgo and Tonni, 1978. It afirm that: "During tbe depositation of this unit (Guerrero Member of Luján Formation) the climatic conditions were more arid and colder than the present

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