Indagini cariologiche in Stachys recta L., S. labiosa Bertol., S. subcrenata Vis., S. fragilis Vis.


KARYOLOGICAL STUDIES IN STACHYS RECTA L., S. LABIOSA BERTOL., S. SUBRCRENATA VIS., S. FRAGILIS VIS. Somatic chromosomes of some closely related taxa belonging to the Stachys recta - complex were investigated. Specimens were collected in populations growing in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (NE-Italy). The chromosome number 2n = 34 of both S. labiosa Bertol. and S. recta L. is confirmed. The chromosomes numbers of S. subcrenata Vis.: 2n = 34 and S. fragilis Vis.: 2n = 34 are new. Discussions and remarks on the differences between the karioytypes of these taxa are given

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