Plasmon-mediated patterning of nanoparticles and biomolecules for functional nano-devices


Nanoscale components are taking over the current generation devices in the semiconductor, biomedical, energy, and display industries. The translation of novel nanoparticles and biomolecules into practical applications depends on their precise patterning on a substrate. However, it has remained challenging to manufacture complex structures at sub-micrometer resolution due to inherent technological barriers, such as ink-spreading, and long post-processing time. This dissertation presents the progress made towards plasmon-mediated immobilization at scales ranging from single-nanoparticle regime up to large-area patterning. We exploit the photothermal and photochemical effects arising from hot spots of plasmonic nanoparticles for immobilization. We explore multi-photon plasmonic photolithography (MPPL) for patterning at single NP resolution and introduce laser-induced bubble printing to achieve large-area patterning. In addition, we also demonstrate simultaneous synthesis and structuring of nanoparticles and nanoalloys using a laser-mediated micro-bubble reactor. We demonstrate immobilization of multiple materials including bovine-serum albumin (BSA) hydrogels, quantum dots, silver nanorings, and immiscible bimetallic alloys. The fabricated structures are used in applications such as emission-rate modification, surface enhanced spectroscopy, ultra-fast nucleation, and catalysis. The systems and methods developed in this work will aid in the realization of multi-functional substrates with tailored catalytic, optical, electronic, and magnetic functions.Materials Science and Engineerin

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