
Classificação espectral de áreas plantadas com as culturas do milho e feijão por meio da árvore de decisão.


The aim of this study was to test the classifier decision tree. It was made using the remote sensing (RS) to identify planted area with corn and beans at different times of plantations at the Embrapa Milho e Sorgo experimental area, located at Sete Lagoas, MG. The SR techniques plus a Geographic Information System (GIS), allow a temporal analysis of use and occupation of the land, especially in order to identify and monitor the agricultural areas. However, the diversity in the land use and dynamics of agricultural targets bring difficulties to the right identification. This occurs because of the phenology crop and consequently the variations of the spectral behavior of these targets. The present study showed that in small areas of beans, where the irrigation is common, the values obtained by the decision tree underestimated the value of 36,5% observed in the field (39,0 ha), since the main variable considered for the beginning of the classification decision tree was the NDVI index (Normalized Difference of the Vegetation Index). It was also verified that the higher NDVI values provided better results of the estimated planted area, where it was found an error of 18,9% for the corn crop, when the observed value was 19,6 ha.Pages: 616-62

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