Public waterfronts as multifunctional public landscapes : comparative analysis study


Urban waterfronts have always been a great asset for cities. Their presence adds a great value to urban life and provides cities' dwellers with a variety of benefits. However, waterfronts globally suffer from many problems that require to be handled. Many waterfront development projects have tried to solve these problems by developing public landscapes along water bodies in order to enhance the quality of living via a multifunctional approach. Thus, this research aims at investigating the applicability of this multifunctionality in tackling landscape projects via studying two urban waterfront projects. This paper is a case study research that claims to offer a richness and in-depth analysis via identifying how a complex set of circumstances come together to produce a particular manifestation. It employs many tactics of data collection (literature review, observations and semi-structured interviews) in order to compare the different facets of the multifunctional approach in both case studies. The findings of this study illustrate, resolve and unfold different tactics in achieving aspects of multifunctional landscapes paving a way for investigating other tactics and aspects that adopt multifunctionality approach in developing urban waterfronts

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