Smart design of hull forms through hybrid evolutionary algorithm and morphing approach


Digitalisation of ship design, construction and operation are gaining increasing attention in the marine industry as ships become eco-friendlier and smarter. 'Smart designs' can be applied under this digital revolution as an intelligent design process that is highly automated and collaborative with ‘smart manufacturing’ and 'smart ships' through-life. Focusing on smart design, we introduce a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm and Morphing (HEAM) approach which combines an evolutionary algorithm with an efficient morphing-based shape variation approach to optimise and automate the hull form design process. By combining the process of design exploration, geometry modification and performance evaluation, it enables highly automated design process where new hull forms are created, compared and analysed so as to reduce the overall design cycle and produce more optimal designs. This paper a) introduces a framework on how smart design process can be connected with smart manufacturing and smart ships to form into through-life smart shipping network, b) describes the proposed HEAM approach to optimise and automate the hull form design process and c) provides result of the HEAM approach to demonstrate the design efficiency and performance improvement

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