Training needs analysis for the Turkish ship dismantling industry


Nearly 2000 workers are being directly employed by Turkish ship dismantling yards which are located in Aliaga, Izmir. The method of dismantling vessels in all dismantling facilities is essentially the same; with the ship landed ashore under its own power, stripped of equipment and materials, and systematically dismantled. The Ship Dismantling industry is very important and profitable to the Turkish economy and nearly one million light displacement tones (LDT) dismantled by the end of 2012. Ship dismantling industry needs skilled workers and safety related issues are very crucial because of the nature of work. There are several hazards for ship dismantling yard workers in case of lack of education and training. Thus, training is one of the most important risk reducing solutions. In this study, a training needs analysis has been carried out for SD employees by considering questionnaire results. Training needs analysis aims to create a ‘snapshot’ of the Turkish Ship Dismantling employees by capturing the various states of education, competences and capabilities from the lowest grade of worker through to the management level. By analyzing the gathered information the various gaps in awareness, knowledge and procedures found within the Turkish Ship Dismantling industry have been identified and will be utilized in the development and execution of the proposed VET

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