
On the full scale and model scale cavitation comparisons of a Deep-V catamaran research vessel


In pushing for greener ships and more sustainable operations, designers and researchers are being challenged to increase vessel performance whilst reducing environmental impact. One topical, and a somewhat challenging aspect of this pursuit, is the reduction in Underwater Radiated Noise (URN). There are several European Collaborative Research Projects currently underway that aim to outline a framework for noise standards, amongst these projects is the Seventh Framework Project (FP7) “Suppression of Underwater Noise Induced by Cavitation” (SONIC) that has been tasked with concentrating on the URN from propeller cavitation; the main contributor to underwater noise generation. As one of the participants of the SONIC project the Newcastle University was involved in the full-scale trials and model-scale propeller testing campaign. The full-scale trial conducted on board Newcastle University’s catamaran research vessel R/V The Princess Royal involved cavitation observations though the dedicated observation windows above each propeller, Propeller Excited Vibration measurements as well as the off-board URN measurements. The model scale tests were made in The Emerson Cavitation Tunnel using a 1:3.5 scale dummy model of the starboard side demi-hull of the vessel. These tests tried to emulate, as best as possible, the full-scale trials in terms of measurement locations and viewing angles

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