
Real-time compression of IEC 61869-9 sampled value data


Fast-acting, yet cost-effective, communications is critical for smarter grid monitoring, protection, and control. This paper demonstrates a new approach for the real-time compression of Sampled Value (SV) data based on the IEC 61869-9 recommendations. This approach applies simple compression rules, yet yields excellent compression performance---typically compressing data to less than half of the original size. This leads to a significant and beneficial reduction in encoding time (in the merging unit producing the SV data) and decoding time (at the end application), as well as the main benefit of reduced Ethernet transmission times resulting from the reduced frame size. As well as reducing the absolute bandwidth requirements in typical applications, this has system-wide benefits due to reducing Ethernet queuing delays and the consequent network jitter. The approach has been validated on a real-time platform to accurately measure all contributions to the end-to-end delay. This work will help enable low-latency and bandwidth-sensitive applications involving the SV protocol, such as phasor measurement units and wide-area protection

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