
Engaging students with assessment and feedback: improving assessment for learning with students as partners


Within the Higher Education sector in the UK, it is acknowledged that the area of ‘Assessment and Feedback’ receives consistently poor levels of satisfaction from students when they complete module level feedback, course level feedback and the National Student Survey (NSS). There is evidence to suggest that this problem is pronounced within Schools of Architecture, particularly with the assessment and feedback of design work. This case study describes reflective practice at Portsmouth School of Architecture, UK, where academics worked in consultation with students to identify the issues. The aim of the project was to evaluate assessment and feedback strategies from across the School resulting in the creation of a new and innovative set of ‘Assessment for Learning’ tools produced with students as partners. These tools include: a refined marking matrix, an improved ‘design review’ and a ‘lexicon’ for marking design projects to enhance understanding and autonomy. This case study also explores how alignment and enhancement of learning through assessment and feedback and the quality of assessment tools has the ability to increase students’ confidence and assessment literacy, their overall satisfaction and levels of autonomy

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