Some investigations concerning the glands associated with the skin of the mollusc Arion hortensis (fer)


The structure and histochemistry of the gland cells of the dorsal and ventral surfaces of Arion hortensis were described, together with that of the pedal and caudal glands. This investigation was conducted using a light microscope and standard staining techniques. The ultrastructure of the pedal gland was investigated and the nature of an unusual tubule - filled endoplasmic reticulum considered and describedo The effect of the enzyme pepsin, and of deamination on the ultrastructure of the tubules, was examined. Lastly, a brief regeneration experiment was conducted, using mantle tissue, to study the origin of the gland cells. The process was first investigated using a light microscope, and then tissue from a limited time sequence was studied using the electron microscope. These last results were compared with the ultrastructure of the normal mantle

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