Technology foresight for growth and productivity: Case study of UK digital health SMEs


Since the early 2000s, a significant number of corporate organisations successfully applied an innovative management approach to the monitoring of new technologies and the systematic analysis of their future evolution and impact. Despite the growing popularity of technology foresight amongst large corporations, there is little evidence on its use in SMEs. However, foresight might be very beneficial to SMEs that are facing technological changes, by enabling them to pool their knowledge about new technologies and thus to set priorities and joint efforts, in a systematic way, for the optimal allocation of their resources. This paper aims to develop and test a simple, effective and scalable foresight method specifically responding to the needs (and challenges) of SMEs in UK clusters. We illustrate the results of a foresight exercise that involved 16 SMEs in the London Digital Health cluster. The main novelty of this foresight exercise is related to the involvement of different entrepreneurs of different SMEs (rather than a team of managers from the same organisation, as it is usually the case of technology foresight in large corporations) and the adoption of a bespoke set of different techniques, tailored to the specific needs of SMEs

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