
A novel approach to studying enclosure and support usage in siamangs (Symphalangus syndactylus): using a 3D computer model


This study set out to gain preliminary data to: (1) assess the accuracy of a computer-aided design (CAD) approach in recording the full 3D geometry of a zoo primate enclosure, and (2) evaluate the possibility of using the CAD approach to extract patterns of enclosure use (eg. quantify support availability and preference, and map behavioural data within the 3D enclosure model to visualise, identify and investigate spatial enclosure usage trends). We created two 3D models of the same enclosure in a zoo in the UK housing an adult male, an adult female and a juvenile siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) using a generic CAD approach and a long-range laser scanner (LiDAR). The CAD model yielded an average geometric error of ~15% in terms of position, height and diameter of structures relative to the LiDAR model. The CAD model was divided into zones to create colour maps of enclosure usage during behaviours such as feeding and foraging, inactivity and locomotion/posture. The CAD model permitted accurate quantification of support availability and identification of exact supports and zones most frequently used for given behaviours. Using the CAD model, apparently underused supports and zones were also identified. We then attempted to determine possible reasons for such infrequent usage. Electivity indexes, a measure of support preference within a particular zone, permitted us to explore why specific supports were preferred over others in the immediate proximity. Electivity indexes were higher for strong horizontal initial supports (mainly poles) during richochetal brachiation indicating they were chosen despite having other support types in close proximity. This suggests the need for a strong horizontal support to generate sufficient propulsive force during push off, to create the flight phase characteristic of richochetal brachiation

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