
Non-singlet coefficient functions for charged-current deep-inelastic scattering to the third order in QCD


We have calculated the coefficient functions for the structure functions F_2, F_L and F_3 in nu-nubar charged-current deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) at the third order in the strong coupling alpha_s, thus completing the description of unpolarized inclusive W^(+-) exchange DIS to this order of massless perturbative QCD. In this brief note, our new results are presented in terms of compact approximate expressions that are sufficiently accurate for phenomenological analyses. For the benefit of such analyses we also collect, in a unified notation, the corresponding lower-order contributions and the flavour non-singlet coefficient functions for nu+nubar charged-current DIS. The behaviour of all six third-order coefficient functions at small Bjorken-x is briefly discussed

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