
Interoperability analysis of Liferay portlets


Povezljivost med različnimi portalnimi komponentami znotraj enega portala je eno izmed prizadevanj integracije, s katerimi se usklajujejo aktivnosti integriranih storitev. Pričujoča naloga analizira mehanizme za povezljivost različnih portalnih komponent na platformi Liferay. Podrobneje sta predstavljeni portalni komponenti portlet in pripomoček ter platforma Liferay. Praktični del diplomske naloge zajema razvoj portalne aplikacije z uporabo portletov in pripomočkov ter različnih mehanizmov integracije.The interoperability between different portal components within a single portal is one of the integration’s endeavors with which the actions of integrated services are coordinated. This thesis analyzes mechanisms for the interoperability of different portal components on the Liferay platform. The portal components portlet and gadget, and the platform Liferay are presented in detail. The practical part covers the development of a portal application with the use of portlets and gadgets, and various integration mechanisms

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