Distribucije v raziskavi ne obravnavamo zgolj kot ene od sestavin trženjskega spleta podjetja, temveč kot strateško razsežnost razvoja tržne pozicije na izbranih tujih trgih, katere cilj ni zagotoviti zgolj prodajo izdelkov podjetja, temveč ustvariti distribucijski sistem, ki bo podjetju zagotavljal rast prodaje in krepil konkurenčne prednosti na trgu. Na izbranem vzorcu slovenskih proizvodnih podjetij smo preverjali povezanost med izvozno tržno naravnanostjo podjetja, inovativnostjo, odnosi z odjemalci na tujih trgih, blagovno znamko proizvajalca in trgovsko znamko ter strategijo prodajnih poti. Raziskava potrjuje pozitivno povezavo navedenih razsežnosti trženjskega procesa z razvojem uspešne strategije prodajnih poti proizvodnega podjetja v procesu gradnje trajnejših partnerskih odnosov z neodvisnimi distributerji na tujih trgih.Research doesnʼt treat distribution only as a marketing mix component, but also as a strategic dimension of market position development in foreign markets, which aim is not only to ensure the sale of a companyʼs products, but also to create a distribution system that will provide sales growth and strengthen a firmʼs competitive advantage in the marketplace. Based on a sample of Slovenian manufacturing firms, this paper examines the relationship between a firmʼs export market orientation, innovation, relationships with customers in foreign markets, manufacturer brand and retailer brand respectively and its sales channel strategy. The study confirms a positive link of these dimensions of the marketing process with the creation of a manufacturerʼs successful sales channel strategy in a process of building lasting partnership with independent distributors on foreign markets