Freeze-thaw durability of concrete with recycle tire rubber and chemical admixtures


Odpadne gume in elektrofiltrski pepel se zbirajo v velikih količinah, zato njihova uporaba prispeva k reševanju problema onesnaževanja okolja. V članku je predstavljena receptura betonske mešanice z dodatkom reciklirane gume kot nadomestkom dela agregata in z elektrofiltrskim pepelom kot delnim nadomestkom cementa. Tak beton ustreza trdnostnemu razredu C12/15 in je primeren za izdelavo podložnih betonov. Na laboratorijskih preizkušancih so bili analizirani vplivi reciklirane gume in elektrofiltrskega pepela na notranjo odpornost betona proti zmrzovanju in tajanju. Ugotovljeno je bilo, daje za doseganje notranje odpornosti betona potrebno povečanje prostornine por z dodatkom aeranta.Scrap tires and fly ash are being generated and accumulated in large volumes causing an increasing threat to the environment. There are mechanical, environmental and economic reasons to include recycled rubber and fly ash in concrete mixture. The concrete mixture with recycled rubber and fly ash is presented. Concrete used in foundations of non-load bearing structures should be a minimum strength classification of C12/15. In the paper, the freeze-thaw resistance of rubber included concrete with fly ash were investigated. Rubber included concrete is not freeze-thaw resistant, without entrained air

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