Automated fingerprint identification system application for system\u27s equal error rate evaluation


Automated fingerprint identification system has an increasingly important rolein modern times. This study presents the steps of the automated fingerprint identification system and presents an application for fingerprint identification and system\u27s equal error rate evaluation. The algorithm for fingerprint image enhancement is a key element of the system. A fingerprint image can be damaged, damp, too dry, worn, scratched, etc. Therefore it is necessary to enhance the image to the point where we can obtain a clearly defined structure of ridges and valleys and consequently also correctly determined features. This study also presents a comparison of error rate evaluation between the original fingerprint image and the enhanced fingerprintimage, and introduces an application for fingerprint matching. The matching algorithm compares two fingerprints and establishes a correct match, if the fingerprints belong to the same person, or a non-match, if they belong to different persons

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