
Sindikalna dejavnost v policiji


Diplomsko delo obravnava delovanje sindikatov v policiji. Kot vsi vemo, je PSS nastal že v času osamosvojitve in je pred kratkim praznoval 20-letnico svojega delovanja, medtem ko je SPS nastal v času mandata Pahorjeve vlade oziroma takratne ministrice za notranje zadeve gospe Katarine Kresal. S tem, ko je nastal še en sindikat, ki ga je takratno ministrstvo podpiralo in po zadnjih dogodkih tudi sedanje, pa so se začeli problemi tudi med zaposlenimi. V nekaterih sredinah so člani SPS izvajali pritiske na člane PSS, kaj počnejo v tem starem sindikatu (PSS) ipd. Tudi zadnji dogodki kažejo, da je vladi in MNZ všeč, ker sta PSS in SPS skregana med seboj in le redko sodelujeta. Analiza statističnih podatkov nadalje pokaže, da tudi policisti in policistke niso zadovoljni s tem, da obstajata dva delujoča sindikata. Prav tako je bilo iz analize ugotovljeno, da je kar 42.7 % anketirancev mnenja, da sindikata med seboj slabo sodelujeta. Če na kratko povzamemo celotno nalogo, lahko zapišemo, da je sindikat organizacija v katerem so včlanjeni člani, ki imajo določene pravice, kot so pravica do stavke, koalicijska svoboda, delavski boj, soodločanje, pogajanja in kolektivno pogodbo. Glavna naloga sindikata je, da se bori za pravice policistov, s čimer se je strinjajo tudi 72,5 % anketirancev. Glede na pravice in ugodnosti, ki jih pridobijo člani sindikata, je bilo iz analize ugotovljeno, da je kar 85.5 % policistk in policistov včlanjenih v sindikat. Vsak sindikat ima tudi svojega sindikalnega zaupnika, ki deluje na območju celotne regije ali pa na določeni policijski postaji. Naloga sindikalnega zaupnika je, da obvešča svoje člane o trenutnem dogajanju. Pri tem je statistična analiza pokazala, da se kar 34,5 % anketirancev poprečno strinjajo s tem, da sindikalni zaupniki dobro opravljajo svoje delo. Prav tako je bilo iz analize ugotovljeno, da se 33,6 % anketirancev prav tako povprečno strinjajo s tem, da sindikalni zaupniki obveščajo člane o trenutnih dogodkih. 35,5 % pa je vseh tistih, ki so mnenja, da sindikat povprečno zastopa interese svojih članov. Lahko rečemo, da sindikat in sindikalni zaupniki dobro opravljajo svoje delo.This thesis discusses activity of trade unions in the police. Like we all know PSS was formed during the time of independence and has recently celebrated the twentieth anniversary of its operation, while SPS was formed during the mandate of Pahor government and the then Minister of Interior Mrs. Katarina Kresal. When another trade union in police was founded it was suported by the then Ministry and after recent events also from the current Ministry. This has caused problems between employees. In some environments the members of SPS exert pressure on the members of PSS saying what they are doing in this old trade union (PSS) etc. Last events show that Government and MNZ like the fact PSS and SPS are at odds with each other and rarely cooperate. The analysis of statistical data further shows that police officers are not satisfied with the fact that there are two functioning trade unions. Analysis shows that 42.7% of respondents thinks that cooperation between trade unions is not good. If we briefly summarize the entire task we can say that the trade union is organisation in which they are members, which have certain rights, such as the right to strike,freedom coalition, aworking class fight, co-decision, negotiations and collective agreement. The main task od the trade union is to fight for the rights of the police officers. With that agree72.5% of the respondents. Depending on the rights and benefits, which acquire trade union members from the analysis is found that as many as 85.5% of policeofficers are members of a trade union. Each trade union ha salso his labor confidant which works in the area of the entire redion or at a particular police station. The task of the labor confident is to inform its members about the current events. The statistical analysis shows that 34,5% of respondents agree that trade union representatives are good at their work. It was also found from the analysis that 33,6% of the respondents agree that trade union representatives infrom members abaut current events. There is 35,5% of all those who share the opinion that the trade union on average represents the interests of its members. We can say that the trade union and trade union representatives are good at their work

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