
Reconstruction of handling arm housing of aluminum ashlar manipulator


V diplomskem delu smo s pomočjo računalniških simulacij analizirali nosilec prijemala manipulatorja aluminijastih bram, kjer je na mestu tik pod zvarom med stransko ploščo in zgornjo (pritrditveno) ploščo prišlo do razpoke. S pomočjo rezultatov numerične analize obstoječega nosilca prijemala smo ugotovili vzrok, zaradi katerega je prišlo do razpoke, ter na podlagi rezultatov numeričnih simulacij predlagali boljšo konstrukcijsko rešitev nosilca prijemala. Računalniške simulacije smo izvajali s pomočjo programskega paketa Abaqus CAE, ki temelji na metodi končnih elementov.In the paper, we have analyzed the grip holder of aluminum slab manipulator with use of computer simulations, where cracks appeared just below the weld between the side panel and the upper (mounting) plate. Using the results of the numerical analysis of the existing grip holder, we found the cause for cracks and were also able to suggest a better grip holder design solution. Computer simulations were carried out using Abaqus CAE, a software package based on the finite elements method

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