
The renovation of the retail process and the issue of protection of personal data in the selected company


V naši diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na maloprodajni proces v izbranem podjetju in varovanje osebnih podatkov znotraj tega procesa. V uvodnem delu smo opisali okolje, v katerem podjetje deluje in predstavili teoretično ozadje naše diplomske naloge. Izbrano podjetje na trgu nastopa kot proizvajalec in distributer prehranskih dopolnil, svoje proizvode pa preko maloprodajnega kanala prodaja tudi končnim kupcem. V diplomski nalogi je podrobno opisan in kritično analiziran celotni maloprodajni proces, s posebej izpostavljenimi ključnimi kritičnimi točkami znotraj tega procesa. Eno izmed teh kritičnih točk predstavlja problematika varovanja osebnih podatkov, kateri smo namenili tudi posebno pozornost. Na temo varovanja osebnih podatkov smo naredili raziskavo, katere rezultate smo predstavili v razpravi. Za vse kritične točke oziroma problematična področja, ki smo jih odkrili v samem procesu, smo podali rešitve, ki so v tistem trenutku predstavljale najboljšo možno optimizacijo opisanega procesa.In our diploma work we focused on the retail process in the selected company and the issue of protection of personal data within this process. In the introduction part we described the environment in which the company is operating and presented the theoretical background of our work. The selected company is operating on the market as a manufacturer and distributor of food supplements. They sell their products to end costumers through their retail channel. We described the whole retail process in detail and made a critical analysis in which we expose the critical key points within this process. We focused on one of those critical points - the protection of the personal data. The research that we have done on protection of the personal data issue has given us the results that we presented in the discussion. We also presented the best possible solutions for all the critical points we discovered in the process

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