
The role of the nurse in the preventative dental care


Takoj, ko zobje prodrejo skozi dlesni, postanejo ranljivi in kot taki tarča bakterij, ki povzročajo zobno gnilobo. Zato je smiselno starše čim prej seznaniti s tem, da imajo priložnost ohraniti otrokove zobe brez kariesa, jih seznaniti s pravicami iz zobozdravstvene preventive, vsemi preprečevalnimi ukrepi proti nastanku patološki sprememb v ustni votlini in jih poučiti, kako aplicirati pravilno nego zob in ustne votline pri otrocih. Prav to pa je naloga medicinske sestre, ki mora biti za to delo ustrezno strokovno usposobljena. Biti mora učinkovit posrednik znanja in svetovalec. V diplomskem delu smo tako predstavili preventivne dejavnosti zobozdravstva predšolskih otrok in zdravstveno-vzgojno vlogo medicinske sestre v njej.As soon as the teeth penetrate the gum, they become susceptible to bacteria that cause dental decay. Therefore, it is crucial to keep parents informed in terms of giving them the opportunity to preserve their child\u27s teeth intact. Also important is to introduce parents into all the rights their children have in dental care, to provide them with the information on all preventive measures against the development of pathological changes in the oral cavity and to teach them how to administer proper dental care and oral cavity care to their children. All these are the tasks of a nurse, who has to be properly qualified for this job. The nurse must be an effective source of knowledge and as such execute efficiently her/his role of a consultant. In this thesis we also present the preventive dentistry activities for children and the educational role of the nurses in them

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