
Identification and prevention of child maltreatment


Dandanes vemo, da so otroci vse pogosteje žrtve trpinčenja tako doma kot v šoli in tudi v drugih okoljih. Oblike trpinčenja so različne, vse pa otroke hudo prizadenejo ter pustijo boleče sledi. V današnjem času je veliko nasilja že odkritega, vendar psihično nasilje še vedno velikokrat ostaja prikrito. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili oblike trpinčenja otrok ter njihove posledice, opisali smo zdravstveno obravnavo trpinčenega otroka in vlogo medicinske sestre ob srečanju s trpinčenim otrokom ter vlogo medicinske sestre pri preprečevanju trpinčenja otrok. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti ozaveščenost dijakov o trpinčenju otrok.Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela smo uporabili kvantitativno metodologijo. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, ki je vseboval 18 vprašanj. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 50 dijakov srednje zdravstvene šole. Pridobljene podatke smo analizirali in statistično obdelali s pomočjo računalniškega programa Microsoft Excel ter rezultate ponazorili v obliki grafov. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se je več kot 70 % anketiranih dijakov že srečalo s trpinčenjem. Razvidno je tudi, da so dobro seznanjeni s pravilnim ukrepanjem ob srečanju le-tega. Največ anketiranih bi pomoč poiskalo pri učitelju, socialni delavki ter na policiji, najmanj pa bi se jih obrnilo na SOS telefone. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da bi anketirani dijaki prepoznali znake fizičnega in psihičnega trpinčenja otrok. Vse pogosteje se srečujemo s trpinčenjem otrok, ki iz dneva v dan narašča. Nasilja ne moremo preprečiti samo z varnostnimi ukrepi, temveč moramo rešitve poiskati tudi v nas samih, v naših odnosih do otrok in drugih. Medicinska sestra mora pri prepoznavanju in preprečevanju trpinčenja otrok delovati v multidisciplinarnem timu.Nowadays, we know that children are more often the victims of bullying both at home and at school and in other environments. The types of bullying are different, but they are all devastating and leave painful traces. Nowadays, a lot of violence is already revealed, but unfortunately especially psychological violence remains hidden. In this diploma thesis we presented the forms of child maltreatment and its consequences, we described the medical treatment and the role of medical nurse which has met an abused child, we presented the tasks nurses do in the prevention of child maltreatment. In our study we wanted to find out which forms of maltreatment were children already exposed to and if they are familiar with the correct actions when faced with maltreated child. In the diploma work we used a quantitative methodology. For data collection we used an questionnaire, which contained 18 questions. The study involved 50 students of the Health High School. We analyzed acquired data and we statistically processed it with a help from computer program Microsoft Excel and illustrated the results in the form of graphs. The results showed that more than 70% of the questioned students have already met with bullying. It is also evident that they are well acquainted with the proper actions if they encounter that. Most respondents would seek help from teachers, social workers and the police, at least they would turn to SOS phones. We found out that questioned students would recognize the signs of physical and psychological maltreatment of children. More often we are faced with bullying children, which is increasing day by day. Violence can not be prevented only by security measures, but we have to find a solution within ourselves, in our relationships with others and children. The nurse in recognizing and preventing child maltreatment does not work alone, but she connects with other members of the team, that must cooperate with each other

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