This research work is dealing with the different behaviour of the young, adolescent people and their perception of the relationship with their parents and their attitude towards school in the time of their early adolescence. Research work is answering the questions connected with the relationship with the parents, attitude towards school as well as the behaviour deviation of adolescents (youth). The research is based on claim that teenager\u27s relationship with his mother and father have an important influence on his/her behavior, especially on the conflicts with the environment. Opačič (1995) argues that the relationship between parents, the environment and the teenagers is not so important. Therefore, we were interested in teenagers\u27 attitudes towards their relationships that they have with their parents. The following dimensions of a relationship were emphasized (observed in greater detail): control, punishment, intimacy and carelessness on the side of the parents. Through those dimensions we could show the teenager\u27s comprehension of the relationship they have with their parents and/or mother and father\u27s comprehension of the relationship in the early phase of adolescence. He stresses (emphasizes) their attitude (perception of) towards such relationships. Some quantity research procedures are used in this research work. There are four different non-standardized questionnaires: The frequency of the behaviour deviation, A relationship with a mother, A relationship with a father, A conflict situations with parents connected with different conversation themes, An attitude towards school. The study relies on descriptive and causal-non-experimental methods of empirical pedagogical research. The research includes an accidental sample of the pupils attending 7th and 9th class of the Primary school in Maribor in the school year 2007 (n=300).Istraživanje se bavi odstupanjem u ponašanju maloljetnih osoba i njihovom percepcijom odnosa sa roditeljima, te odnosa prema školi u periodu rane adolescencije. Temelji se na uvjerenju da odnosi maloljetnika s majkom i ocem bitno utječu na njihovo socijalno ponašanje, a posebno na konflikte sa okolinom. Opačič (1995) je ustanovio da nije važno, kako se roditelji i okolina ponašaju u odnosu prema njima, nego kako maloljetnici vide (percipiraju) te odnose. Zato nas je prije svega zanimalo, kako maloljetnici vide odnose s roditeljima naglašavajući slijedeće dimenzije odnosa: kontrola, kažnjavanje, intimnost (blizina), zanemarivanje od strane roditelja. Pomoću tih dimenzija željeli smo osvijetliti maloljetnikovo doživljavanje odnosno viđenje odnosa sa strane majke i oca u periodu rane adolescencije. U istraživanju su korišteni kvantitativni istraživački postupci, upotrijebljeni instrument mjerenja obuhvaćaju četiri nestandardizirana anketna upitnika: Čestoća odstupanja u ponašanju, Odnos s majkom, Odnos s ocem, Konflikt s roditeljima u vezi različitih temam razgovora, Odnos prema školi. Koristili smo deskriptivnu i kauzalnu-neeksperimentalnu metodu empirijskog pedagoškog istraživanja. Istraživanje uključuje slučajni uzorak učenika, koji su školske godine 2007. pohađali 7. i 9. razred osnovne škole općine Maribor (n=300)