Comparison of CFD simulation of Darrieus water turbine using the rigid body solver and the MFR method


Med tehnologijami za izkoriščanje vodne energije se vse pogosteje uporabljajo tudi prilagojene tehnologije za izkoriščanje energije vetra. K njihovemu razvoju pripomorejo sodobne računalniške simulacije. Predstavljena je primerjava dveh metod numerične simulacije Darrieusove turbine s poudarkom na ustreznosti delovanja nove metode z uporabo modela gibanja togega telesa (modul 6DOF). Ta omogoča simulacijo turbine, pri kateri je le-ta gnana s tokom tekočine, se pravi, da bolje opiše realne obratovalne razmere kot uveljavljen postopek MFR.Among technologies for stream energy extraction there are new emerging technologies using adapted wind energy extraction technologies. Their development is enhanced by using modern computer simulations. This document presents a comparison between two methods for numerical simulation of Darrieus turbine with emphasis on the suitability of the new rigid body solver. It enables the simulation of a turbine that is flowdriven, which better describes the real operating conditions than the MFR method

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