Numerical modelling of mixed convection of micropolar fluid flow in cavity


V prispevku je predstavljen sklopljenega primera naravne in prisilne konvekcije v toku mikropolarnih tekočin preko kotanje. Glede na tok klasinih tekoćčin, kjer je zajeto le translatorno gibanje delov tekočine, se v primeru mikropolarnih tekočin k translatornemu gibanju prišteva tudi gibanje tekočine zaradi rotacije togih nedeformabilnih delcev okrog srediišča določenega majhnega volumna, kar je opisano s pomočjo vektorja mikrorotacije. Numerično modeliranje dodatnih mikro vplivov se izvede z modificiranjem klasičnega sistema Navier-Stokesovih enačb, ki predstavljajo osnovo orodja za numerično simulacijo toka tekočine. Prispevek poda rezultate tokovnega, temperaturnega in mikrorotacijskega polja izračunanega z računskim algoritmom za reševanje modificiranih Navier-Stokesovih enačb s pomočjo metode robnih elementov (MRE), natančneje z Robno-območno integralsko metodo.The contribution deals with numerical simulation of mixed convection of micropolar fluid flow in cavity. In contrast to simple fluids, where only translational movement of material particles is accounted for, in micropolar fluids additional to the translational movement is also movement due to the rotation of rigid particles about the center of a small volume element, which is described by the micro-rotation vector. Thus the classical Navier-Stokes system of equations, which forms the basis for derivation of modern flow simulation tools, needs to be modified, to incorporate additional micro effects into the computational method. The submitted work presents results of flow, thermal and micrortation fields solved with a computational algorithm, based on the application of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) or Boundary Domain Integral Method to the modified Navier-Stokes equations

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