V diplomski nalogi bomo obravnavali problem, kako izboljšati organizacijo prevoza betona v podjetju Žiher d.o.o. Problem se nanaša na izbiro voznika za posamezno vožnjo. Izbira zahteva veliko časa, visoke stroške telefoniranja, zamude pri dostavi … Da bi izboljšali navedene procese, predlagamo prenovo organizacije prevozov betona z uvedbo sistema za nadzor in sledenje nad vozili. Sistemi sledenja zagotavljajo višjo varnost, točnost in kontrolo v transportnem procesu. Na tak način lahko pridobimo kar nekaj koristi, kot so: znižanje stroškov, varnost za voznika in vozila, povečanje izkoristka vozil in pridobivanje podatkov za potrebe analize. Za uvedbo bomo potrebovali določena finančna sredstva, čas za namestitev potrebne opreme in ustrezno usposabljanje zaposlenih.In this diploma thesis, we will analyze how to improve the organization of transport of concrete in the company Žiher d.o.o. The problem concerns the choice of driver for each drive. This choice takes a lot of time, high costs, delays in delivery … For making these processes better, we propose a modernization of the transportation organization with the system for monitoring and tracking vehicles. Modern tracking systems ensure better security, accuracy, and control in the logistic process. This way provides many advantages, such as cost reduction, safety for the driver and the vehicle, an increase in the efficiency of the vehicle and gaining information for analyzing needs. For the introduction of this, we will need certain financial means, time for installation of needed equipment, and training of the employees