


Občina je osnovna lokalna skupnost, ki v okviru zakonodaje samostojno ureja svoje zadeve in izvaja določene zakonske predpise na področjih, ki so ji dodeljena. Občino ureja več zakonov kot so na primer Zakon o lokalni samoupravi, Zakon o financiranju občin, Zakon o izvrševanju proračuna, Zakon o javnih financah ter splošni akt, imenovan Statut, ki ga sprejme vsaka občina. Današnji problem občin je, da se srečujejo s pomanjkanjem sredstev, predvsem za investicije. Po spremembi Zakona o financiranju občin pa država ni več tako radodarna pri dodeljevanju sredstev občinam. Težave pri financiranju občin je prinesla tudi gospodarska kriza, saj država izvaja razne ukrepe, s katerimi občinam le jemlje sredstva. V nalogi smo podrobneje analizirali proračun občine Sveti Jurij v Slov. goricah vse od njene ustanovitve.The municipality is the basic local community under the laws governing their own affairs and carry out certain legal regulations in the areas assigned to it. Municipality governed by several laws such as the Local Government Act, the Law on Financing of Municipalities Act, the implementation of the budget, the Public Finance Act and a general measure, called the Statute, adopted by each municipality. Today\u27s problem is municipalities that are confronted with a lack of funds, primarily for investment. After amending the Law on Financing of Municipalities and the State is not as generous in allocating funds to municipalities. Problems in the financing of municipalities has also brought an economic crisis, the State implemented various measures to be taken only municipal funds. In this work we analyze in detail the budget of St. George in the county workers. hills since its inception

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