


V diplomskem delu z naslovom Športna aktivnost in prehrambene navade predšolskih otrok v sevniških vrtcih je razvidno, kakšna je povezanost športne aktivnosti in prehrambenih navad predšolskih otrok. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kakšne prehrambene navade imajo otroci, ki obiskujejo sevniški vrtec, kakšno vlogo imajo pri tem njihovi starši, kako pogosto so otroci, vključeni v sevniški vrtec, športno aktivni zunaj vrtca in katere so njihove aktivnosti. Teoretični del smo razdelili na dva dela, prehrano in motoriko. Pri prehrani je opisana zdrava prehrana, prehrana predšolskega otroka, organizacija prehrane v Vrtcu Ciciban Sevnica, pri motoriki pa gibalne sposobnosti otrok, gibalni razvoj, gibalne dejavnosti v kurikulumu za vrtce, vpliv prehrane na gibalni razvoj otroka in organizirane gibalno-športne dejavnosti za predšolske otroke v Sevnici. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave. V raziskovalnem vzorcu je sodelovalo 50 staršev predšolskih otrok. V empiričnem delu so bile z deskriptivno metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja preverjene in ovrednotene zastavljene hipoteze. Iz rezultatov anketnega vprašalnika je razvidno, da se otroci, ki obiskujejo sevniški vrtec, zdravo prehranjujejo in da starši poznajo posledice nezdravega in nepravilnega prehranjevanja. Starši so z otrokom športno aktivni 2 — 3 krat na teden in da zelo malo otrok obiskuje organizirano športno vadbo. Na podlagi podatkov o teži in višini otrok ugotavljamo, da ima večina otrok normalno telesno težo glede na indeks telesne mase.SUMMARY In my diploma paper with the title »Sport activities and nutritive habits of pre-school children at the Sevnica kindergartens« the connection between sport activities and nutritive habits of pre-school children is visibly shown. The aim of my diploma work is to find out what the nutrition habits of pre-school children are, what influence on it have their parents, how often are these children physically active in out-of-school time and how intensive are these physical activities. Theoretic part of my diploma work is divided into two parts including nutrition and motoric. The part about nutrition includes healthy food, nutrition of pre-school children and providing and organising food supply in Sevnica kindergartens. The other part of my work about motoric deals on the other hand with motoric abilities of these children, their motoric developement, exercises used for their motoric developement included in curicculum for kindergartens, the influence of nutrition on motoric developement of a child, the organisation of motoric-sportive activities for pre-school children in Sevnica kindergartens. The results and analysis of my research are presented in the empiric part of my work. There were fifty parents included in my reserch. The hypothesis were presented and evaluated with descriptive methods of pedagogical research in the empiric part of my work. From the results of the questionnaire is evident, that pre-school children attending Sevnica kindergartens eat healthy food and their parents are acquainted with the consequences of irregular and unhealthy nutrition. Parents are physically active with their children 2-3 times a weekalso a very small part of children attends organised forms of sport activities. On the basis of the information about children’s normal weight and height is ascertained that the majority of preschool children have normal weight on the basis of body mass index

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