


Učenje je proces, ki traja vse življenje. Zaradi sodobnega načina življenja in hitrega razvoja je potrebno permanentno izobraževanje in izpopolnjevanje, za kar je potrebna motivacija. Le motivirani in izobraženi kadri lahko svoje delovne naloge opravljajo kakovostno in profesionalno ter s tem pripomorejo k uspešnosti organizacije. Za diplomsko delo z naslovom Motivacija za izobraževanje v Centru za dializo smo se odločili zaradi pomembnosti kontinuiranega izobraževanja kadrov zaposlenih v zdravstvu. Diplomsko delo smo razdelili na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo na podlagi preučevanja strokovne in znanstvene literature predstavili osnove motivacije in izobraževanja. Opisali smo teorije motiviranja in motivacijske dejavnike ter izobraževanje odraslih. Predstavili smo »učečo se organizacijo« in posebnosti izobraževanja kadrov na področju zdravstvene nege. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, kjer je potekala raziskava na kateri temelji empirični del naloge. Raziskavo smo izvedli med zdravstvenimi tehniki in medicinskimi sestrami v Centru za dializo. Tehnika zbiranja podatkov je bila anketa, instrument pa strukturirani vprašalnik. Uporabili smo priložnostni vzorec 43. zaposlenih. Rezultate smo prikazali numerično in deskriptivno. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kakšna je izobrazbena struktura kadrov zaposlenih na področju zdravstvene nege v Centru za dializo, koliko se zaposleni izobražujejo, kolikšna je njihova motivacija za izobraževanje ter kateri motivacijski dejavniki zaposlene vzpodbujajo oziroma ovirajo pri izobraževanju. Namen raziskave je v čim večji meri odpraviti negativne ter okrepiti pozitivne motivacijske dejavnike ter s tem motivirati zaposlene za izobraževanje in povečati obseg vključenosti v vse oblike učenja. Z analizo rezultatov smo ugotovili, da izobrazbena struktura v Centru za dializo ni ustrezna ter se zaposleni ne glede na stopnjo motivacije malo izobražujejo. Vključujejo se predvsem v neformalne oblike strokovnega izpopolnjevanja. Najbolj so motivirane osebe mlajše od 35 let z višjo oziroma visoko stopnjo izobrazbe, ki se tudi največ izobražujejo. K učenju jih vzpodbuja predvsem lastna motiviranost in podpora svojcev, od delodajalcev so deležni zanemarljive podpore. Višji osebni dohodek, možnost napredovanja, boljši delovni pogoji in več prostega časa so temeljni motivacijski dejavniki, ki zaposlene vzpodbujajo k izobraževanju, ovirajo pa jih visoki stroški izobraževanja, pomanjkanje časa in podpore delodajalca. Zaradi osebne rasti se zaposleni ne izobražujejo. Glede na dobljene odgovore in rastoči pomen znanja sklepamo, da se bo v prihodnosti v Centru za dializo izobraževalo veliko več zdravstvenih tehnikov in medicinskih sester kot danes ter se bosta nivo znanja in stopnja izobrazbe zaposlenih zvišali.Learning is a lifelong process. Permanent education and training, which requires a certain degree of motivation, is now inevitable due to the modern lifestyle and rapid development. Only a motivated and educated personnel can fulfil their work-related tasks with a touch of quality and professionality needed and thus contribute to the success of the institute. The choice of the diploma work entitled Motivation for Education in the Dialysis Centre was based on the importance of continuous education related to the personnel employed in the field of healthcare. The diploma work is divided into the theoretical and the empirical part. In the theoretical part based on the study of the technical and scientific literature, we introduce the basics of the motivation and education. The theory and the factors of motivation and adult education are also included, as well as the so-called \u27learning organization\u27 and the specifics of educating the healthcare personnel. We continue by introducing the University Medical Centre Ljubljana, where the survey on which the empirical part of this diploma work is based was carried out. The research comprised the medical technicians and nurses in the Dialysis Centre. The technique of gathering the information was a poll and the instrument used was a structured questionnaire. 43 employees were surveyed and the results were presented numerically and descriptively. The aim was to establish the educational status of the healthcare personnel employed in the Dialysis Centre, their willingness and motivation to continue their education and the motivational factors either as encouragement or impediment in the process. The purpose of the research is to remove the negative factors to the greatest extent possible and to promote the positive aspects and thus contribute to greater participation of the employees in different forms of education. The analysis of the results has revealed that the educational structure in the Dialysis Centre is inadequate and that the level of further education is still low despite the degree of motivation. The employees are mostly involved in informal expert advanced study courses. The individuals aged under 35 holding a college degree are the most motivated and involved in further education. They are above all self-motivated and have the support of their family and relatives, whereas the support of their employers is negligible. Higher income, promotion opportunities, improved work conditions and more free time rank among the most effective motivating factors, contrasted by high costs of further education, lack of time and support. Personal growth cannot be found among these motivators. According to the gathered data and the increasing importance of education it could be concluded that the number of medical technicians and nurses undertaking further education in the Dialysis Centre will increase in the future along with the scope of knowledge and the level of education

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