


Diplomsko delo predstavi pojem inteligentne hiše, njene prednosti pred klasičnim modelom hiše, opis delovanja in povzetek že znanih protokolov in izdelkov iz kategorije inteligentnih produktov. Nadaljnje je prikazan in izdelan vzorčni primer sistema inteligentne hiše, kjer vsak od šestih modulov opravlja svojevrstno specifično nalogo. Diplomska naloga podrobno opiše vsak kos strojne opreme ter kasneje še primer programa v zbirniku, ki je naložen na mikrokrmilnik in komunicira s to strojno opremo. Interakcija z uporabnikom se vrši neposredno preko LCD zaslona ali na daljavo s pomočjo GSM modula in AT komand. Avtomatiziranost sistema inteligentne hiše zagotavlja samostojno delovanje, s poudarkom na nadzorom na daljavo preko SMS sporočil pa uporabnika realnočasovno obvešča o morebitnih alarmih, ki se pripetijo v času njegove fizične odsotnosti.In this thesis I focus on the concept of the intelligent house: how does it work and what are its advantages over the classical model of a house? First I give a summary description of existing recognized protocols and products in the category of intelligent systems. Then I present a model example of an intelligent house, where each of 6 modules performs its own specific task. A detailed description of each piece of hardware is included, as well as an example of a program written in an assembler, which is loaded in a microcontroller and which communicates with the hardware. Interaction with the user is performed directly through an LCD display or remotely through a GSM module and AT commands. Automation of the intelligent house enables it to operate on its own, yet there is great emphasis on remote control via real-time SMS messaging, through which the user is informed of any alarms that occur during his or her physical absence

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