V letu 2009 smo s pomočjo terenske in spletne ankete ugotavljali potencialni interes potrošnikov za novo funkcionalno živilo Pomurskih mlekarn — mleko z dodatki fitosterolov. Iz rezultatov obeh anket smo ugotovili, da je prepoznavnost pojma »funkcionalno živilo« zelo slaba, pozna ga le 20% anketirancev, kjer je poznavanje pojma odvisno od starosti in izobrazbe. Približno 50% anketirancev je pripravljenih kupiti izdelek (pripravljenost ni odvisna od starosti in izobrazbe), le približno 30% pa jih je pripravljenih plačati višjo ceno zanj, kjer je pripravljenost odvisna od starosti le v spletni anketi. Vzporedno smo raziskovali trg konkurenčnih izdelkov na domačem trgu in izpostavili nekatere podobne izdelke na tujih trgih, kjer smo ugotovili, da mleka z dodatki fitosterolov na domačem trgu ni, najdemo pa veliko različnih fermentiranih jogurtov s funkcionalnimi sestavinami, med drugim tudi z dodatki fitosterolov. Na drugih trgih se podobni izdelki nahajajo v obliki fermentiranih stogramskih jogurtov, ki vsebujejo takšno količino fitosterolov, da z eno stekleničko zadovoljimo potreben dnevni vnos. Glede na rezultate obeh anket, poglobljen intervju s tržniki Pomurskih mlekarn in dokaj dobro pokritost trga sklepamo, da je novi izdelek potrebno tudi cenovno približati kupcem obstoječega izdelka - pomurskega mleka. Ob tem je ključnega pomena, da kupcem korektno predstavimo vse bistvene značilnost in prednosti uživanja mleka.In the early summer 2009, we were using field and online survey to establish the potential interest of final consumers for new functional food product of dairy company Pomurske mlekarne - milk with phytosterols additives. In the results of both surveys we found that the visibility of the concept of "functional food" is very bad, only 20% of respondents know its meaning, where knowledge of the concept depends on the age and education. About 50% of respondents are willing to buy the product (which does not depends of both age and education), and only about 30% of them are willing to pay a higher price for it, where the willingness depends on age only in the online survey. In parallel, we studied the presence of competing products on the domestic market and presented some similar products in foreign (neighbouring) markets. The research results indicate that milk containing added phytosterols in the domestic market can not be found, but we can find a lot of different fermented yoghurts with functional ingredients, including additives of phytosterols. In other markets majority of a similar products appear in the form of hundred-gram of fermented yoghurt, containing such quantity of phytosterols in order to satisfy the need of daily intake. Based on the results of both surveys, in-depth interview with personnel marketing department of the company and a fairly good saturation of the market suggest that for successful sales of the new product it is recommended to approximate its price to the price of existing product - Pomursko mleko. Key message of product´s characteristics and benefits of its use should be delivered to the buyer at the same time