


V diplomskem delu smo znotraj področja stres predstavili povzročitelje stresa, načine premagovanja stresa in posledice stresa, tako v privatnem življenju, kot tudi na delovnem mestu. Opredelili smo pojme stres in njegove vplive pri delu, stresna reakcija ter posledice stresa. V podjetju Mikrografija d.o.o. smo analizirali trenutno prisotnost stresa na delovnem mestu, njegove vplive na zaposlene in načine s katerimi zaposleni in organizacija stres premagujejo. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da so zaposleni v povprečju včasih pod vplivom stresa na delovnem mestu, ki pa vpliva na njihovo delo. Večinoma zaposleni stres premagujejo s pomočjo prijateljev ali ob gledanju televizije in poslušanju glasbe. V organizaciji pa včasih ali redko skrbijo za premagovanje stresa zaposlenih.The content of this disertation are the areas of stress in which we present the causes of stress, ways of overcoming stress and the effects of stress, both in private life, as well as in the workplace. We define the concepts of stress and its effects at work, stress reaction and the consequences of stress. At the company Mikrografija Ltd. we analysed the presence o stress in the workplace, its effects on employees and the ways by which employees and the organization overcome stress. Results showed that employees are sometimes under the influence of stress in the workplace, which affects their work. In most cases, employees overcome stress with the help from friends or watching television and listening to music. The organization, however, sometimes or rarely helps them to overcome their stress

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