


Diplomsko nalogo v grobem razdelimo na dva dela. Prvi del, ki obsega drugo in tretje poglavje, je namenjen spoznavanju programskega paketa Mathematica. V drugem poglavju opišemo zgradbo dokumenta (t.i. notebook) in palet, ki so namenjene lažjemu delu s programom. V nadaljevanju sledijo uporaba paketov, pravila sintakse in uvažanje ter izvažanje dokumentov. V tretjem poglavju obravnavamo računanje z osnovnimi matematičnimi operacijami in funkcijami vgrajenimi v paket. Predstavimo tudi temeljno računanje z izrazi, funkcijami, enačbami, matrikami, diferencialnim in integralnim računom. Zraven podamo ukaze in njihove razlage s konkretnimi primeri. V drugem delu (v četrtem in petem poglavju) podrobneje opišemo delo s paketom Combinatorica na področju kombinatorike in teorije grafov. V četrtem poglavju za lažjo obravnavo najprej predstavimo osnove kombinatorike ter ukaze povezane s kombinatoriko. V petem poglavju opišemo osnovne pojme teorije grafov in risanje grafov, katerih imena so že vgrajena v programu Mathematica. Nazadnje spoznamo risanje poljubnega grafa in ukaze za določanje Eulerjevega in Hamiltonovega grafa.This graduation thesis has been basically divided into two main parts, of which the First Part including the Chapters 2 and 3 has introduced the Mathematica package. The Chapter 2, however, introduces the construction of a document (i.e. the notebook) and pallets meant to less requiring way of dealing with the programme to be followed further by the use of the packages, the syntax regulations as well as by the importing and exporting documents. The Chapter 3 discusses package incorporated basic mathematical operations and functions involved in the calculating itself. Beside, fundamental calculating including expressions, functions, equations, matrixes as well as the differential and integral computation, which have been provided commands and explanations based on true examples have been subjected to the same chapter. The Second Part (Chapter 4 and 5), the operating with the Combinatorica package being involved into the field of the theory of combinations and the theory of graphs have been introduced. In order to make discussion easier, the Chapter 4 introduces the basis of the theory of combinations as well as related commands. The Chapter 5 clearly states basic conceptions on the theory of graphs and designing them already being incorporated into the Mathematica. Finally, the creation of an optional graph as well as the definition of the Euler and Hamilton graphs has been taught to sum up

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